v. 4.0
About the code...
For those of you unfamiliar with how these codes work, it began with... I think the Geek code, awhile back. So that geeks could tell at a glance what variety of geek the other geeks around them were. ^_^ Soon we had the Goth Code, and the Star Trek Code... the list goes on and on.
But here's where the FF Code comes in: on a certain Final Fantasy message board that people used to post on, they noticed people were asking the same questions over and over - How old is everyone here, what was the first FF game you played, who's your favorite character... We were giving the same answers over and over every couple weeks. A few of them decided there must be a way to stop the repetition, and thus was born... The FF Code!
This is how it works: answer each of the categories below by using the
choices given, each of which has a variable. These variables are strung together
to form your very own, unique FF code, which you can then post in your autosig,
or on your homepage, or wherever you get people asking you what you think
about the FF series. (Just make sure you provide a link back to this page
so they can decode it. ^_~)
Previous versions: 3.0b, 2.0, 1.0 (Thanks to Google for saving it!)
To encode or decode the hard way, just look below. Though if you want to do either the easy way:
FF Code Auto Encoder/Decoder(DOWN RIGHT NOW!)
Courtesy of: Syine
(Note: based on latest version of the code!)
Section 1: Game related
This is the important part, which makes it the FF code, that's why it comes
first. ^_^
First FF played
(B) Use the Japanese numbering system.
(Note I'm not counting the Gameboy games, as those were actually from the
SaGa and Seiken Densetsu series, not actually FF games.)
1 Final Fantasy 1
2 Final Fantasy 2 (not released in N. America)
3 Final Fantasy 3 (also not released in N. America)
4 Final Fantasy 4, released in N. America as FF2
5 Final Fantasy 5, finally released in (horrible) English on PSX
6 Final Fantasy 6, released in N. America as FF3
7 Final Fantasy 7, where the numbers finally matched up!
8 Final Fantasy 8
9 Final Fantasy 9
10 Final Fantasy 10
M Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
T Final Fantasy Tactics
Which FFs played
(#) Same choices as above, choose all that apply, separated by a comma, and
add a "b" to each that you've beaten and a "d" to those you've only played
as a demo(ie: 1b,4b,5,8db = You've played FF1, FF4, FF5, and the FF8 demo,
but only beaten 1, 4, and the 8 demo).
Favorite FF
(F) Same choices as above, choose only one.
Favorite character
(C) Choose up to three from the list below, separated by a comma.
FF1 characters:
Fi(Fighter), Kc(Knight), Bb(Black Belt) Gm(Grand Master) Wm(White Mage), Ww(White
Wizard), Bm(Black Mage), Bc(Black Wizard), Rm(Red Mage), Rw(Red Wizard),
Th(Thief), Ni(Ninja), Gd(Garland), Lf(Lich), Ka(Kary), Kr(Kraken), Ti(Tiamat),
FF2 characters:
Fl(Frionel), Ma(Maria), Gy(Guy), Lh(Lionheart), Mh(Minh), Jo(Josef), Go(Gordan),
Ll(Layla), Rc(Richard), Bg(Borgan), Dk(The Dark Knight), Ep(The Emporor)
FF3 characters:
Ps(Princess Sara), Dh(Desh), C3(Cid), El(Elia), Pa(Prince Alus), Un(Une),
Dg(Dorga), Np(Nepto), Lt(Land Turtle), Jn(Jinn), Bh(Bahamut), Br(Big Rat),
Me(Medusa), Gz(Guzco), Sl(Salamander), Hy(Hyn), Gr(Garuda), Zn(Zande), K3(Kraken),
Lv(Leviathan), Co(Cloud of Darkness)
FF4 characters:
Cc(Cecil), Ro(Rosa), Kn(Kain), Ry(Rydia), Tl(Tellah), Ed(Edward), Pl(Palom),
Pr(Porom), Yg(Yang), C4(Cid), Eg(Edge), Fu(FuSoYa), An(Anna), Ml(Milon), Kz(Kainazzo),
Vl(Valvalis), Rb(Rubicant), Gb(Golbez), Zm(Zemus), Zr(Zeromus)
FF5 characters:
Bz(Butz/Bartz), Ln(Lenna/Reina), Fr(Faris), Gl(Galuf), Cr(Cara/Krile), C5(Cid),
Mi(Mid), Zz(Zeza), Dn(Drogan), Kg(Kelga), Gi(Gill), Gh(Gilgamesh), Ex(Exdeath)
FF6 characters:
Lo(Locke), Cl(Celes), Tr(Terra), Er(Edgar), Sb(Sabin), Cy(Cyan), Gu(Gau),
Sz(Setzer), Sh(Shadow), Sg(Strago), Rl(Relm), Mg(Mog), Gg(Gogo), Um(Umaro),
Ba(Banon), Dy(Daryl), Le(General Leo), Ul(Ultros), Kf(Kefka)
FF7 characters:
Cd(Cloud), Tf(Tifa), Ae(Aeris), Bt(Barret), Rd(Red XIII), C7(Cid), Ca(Cait
Sith), Yf(Yuffie), Vc(Vincent), Ts(Tseng), Rn(Reno), Ru(Rude), En(Elena),
Rf(Rufus), Hj(Hojo), Jv(Jenova), Se(Sephiroth), Pd(Pres. Shinra), Rv(Reeve),
Pm(Palmer), Hd(Heidegger), Sc(Scarlet), Mr(Marlene), Sr(Shera), Ey(Elmyra),
FF8 characters:
Sq(Squall), Ri(Rinoa), Sf(Seifer), Zl(Zell), Sp(Selphie), Ir(Irvine), Qs(Quistis),
Bw(Biggs and Wedge), Ea(Edea), C8(Cid), Xu(Xu), Nd(Nida), Rj(Raijin), Fj(Fuujin),
Eo(Ellone), Lg(Laguna), Wd(Ward), Ki(Kiros), Ad(Adel) Uc(Ultimecia)
FF9 characters:
Zi(Zidane), Gt(Garnet), Vv(Vivi), Fy(Freya), Qn(Quina), St(Steiner), Ek(Eiko),
At(Amarant), Bx(Beatrix), Li(Lani), C9(Cid), Qb(Brahne), G9(Garland), Kj(Kuja)
FF10 characters:
Td(Tidus), Yn(Yuna), Au(Auron), Lu(Lulu), Wk(Wakka), Rk(Rikku), Km(Kimahri),
Sy(Seymour), Cx(Cid), Bk(Braska), Jc(Jecht), Yv(Yu Yevon), Ga(Gatta), Lz(Luzzu),
Lc(Lucil), Em(Elma), Ck(Clasko), Sa(Shelinda), Do(Dona), Is(Isaaru)
FFMQ characters: (Heh... right.)
Bn(Benjamin), Kl(Kaeli), Tm(Tristam), Rb(Reuben), Ph(Phoebe), Dr(Dark King)
FFT characters:
Rz(Ramza), Ms(Mustadio), Or(Orlandu), Md(Melidoul), Dl(Delita), Bw(Beowulf),
Ag(Agrias), Ra(Rafa), Mk(Malak) W8(Worker 8), Rs(Reis), Dv(Professor Daravon),
Ol(Olan), Tt(Teta), Iz(Izlude), Rl(Rofel), Bl(Balk), Kt(Kletian), Vr(Vormav),
We(Weigraf), El(Elmdor), Gf(Gafgarion), Al(Algus), Am(Altima)
Favorite villain
(V) Choose one of the villains from the lists above.
How obsessed?
(O) -- I hate the whole FF series! (Then why are you using this code, DUH!)
- Liked one or two of the games, but the rest sucked.
= For the most part, a really good series.
+ Love every one of the games, and will continue to play them.
++ Love them all, anxiously awaited the latest game, and probably have a
web site/fanstuff/some merchandise about FF.
+++ I'll buy anything with an FF logo on it! I never leave my house, because
I'd have to turn off the SNES/Playstation!
Section 2: Common debates
The stuff people argue about constantly.
Amano or Nomura?
(D) A Amano. (duh.)
N Nomura. (double duh.)
? Who?
= They both have their merits, I like both.
Aeris rumor?
-- Never believed a word of it.
- Thought it highly unlikely.
= Thought about it for awhile before deciding it was a
+ Tried it out before realizing it didn't work.
++ Told my friends about it, and later felt very stupid.
? Never heard this Aeris rumor...
! It's a hoax??
(Q/S) -- Aaaaaaargh!
- It could be possible if done right, I guess.
= (...whatever.)
+ It's cute sometimes.
++ My favorite!
? What the heck?
(A/R) -- Make it stop!
- Ridiculous, but what can you do?
= Couldn't care less.
+ Ignoring the multiple disturbing factors involved, I
kinda like it.
++ They're SO CUTE! ^___^
? Is that some kind of Japanese side dish?
(Y) -- Raaaaah! Stupid fandoms!
- Write/draw what you want, but I'm not going to look
at it.
= I don't mind it, but don't seek it out either.
+ Very nice when it's done well.
++ Mmmm... yummy. :>
? ...Gesundheit?
Al Bhed proficiency?
(A) -- I haven't even played FFX yet.
- I got the primers in the game, never bothered actually
learning it myself - how often would I use it?
= I picked up a few useful words here and there.
+ I've memorized enough letters that I can read or write
most anything, given enough time.
++ Al Bhed ec dra luumacd vyga myhkiaka ajan! Gituc du
Alexander Smith vun cilr yh yfacusa lnaydeuh!
? What the heck was that "++" response? Random gibberish?
X I'll kill the next person who writes a message in that
accursed excuse for a language in my presence.
Section 3: Personal Info
Completely optional. Fill out only what you choose to, or none at all.
(A) Your age, or if you don't want to be specific...
-- Palom/Porom (little kid)
- Gau (preteen)
= Yuffie, Squall (teenager)
+ Celes, Cloud... most characters actually (young adult)
++ Barret, Auron (adult, broad category)
+++ Strago, Tellah (..advanced in years)
(H) Your height, or again, if you don't want to be specific...
-- Midget
- Short
= Average
+ Sorta tall
++ Gigantic!
(W) No one really wants to get specific here, do they? ^_^;; So...
-- Skin and bones
- Supermodel material (which is unhealthy, by the way. Stupid magazines!)
= Average
+ Chubby
++ Tub'o'lard
(G) Choose the one (hopefully just one!) and the modifiers that apply.
M Guess.
F Two guesses, first one doesn't count.
H ...Hermaphrodite?!
a Androgynous looking
g Gay/lesbian
t Transvestite!
Eye color
(E) Choose the one that best describes your eyes...
Bk(black), Br(brown), Bl(blue), Gr(green), Gy(grey), Hz(hazel), Vi(violet),
Al(albino) Rd(red)
g Glasses
Hair color
(T) Choose up to 2 that best describe your hair color...
Bk(black), Br(brown), Bd(blonde), Rd(red), Au(auburn), Wh(white), Gy(grey),
Gr(green), Bl(blue), Vi(violet), Pk(pink)
d Dark
l Light
f Fake/dyed
Hair length
(L) Choose the one that best applies.
-- Bald (Yang)
- Buzzcut (Barret, Raijin)
= Average (Cid Highwind, Locke)
+ Shoulder length (Cecil, Selphie)
++ Long (Vincent, Garnet)
+++ *really* long! (Sephiroth)
(P) Abbreviate your state/province or country, and if you like, add directional
modifiers (ie: swMI = southwest Michigan, or nAB = northern Alberta)
Character you're most like, personality-wise
(R) Choose just one from the characters list above.
Character you most look like
(C) As above, choose one from the list of characters. Hopefully with the
new characters in recent versions, this section will be more useful to more
people. ;)
And now you're done! Your code should look something like this example
(which is my own code):
Bound to confuse and amaze your friends... unless you provide a link back to this page so that they can decode it. ^_^
The FF code was originally created by Andrea Hartmann. Thank you! Also, THANK YOU Syine for that great CGI encoder/decoder! And thank you much Kopopo for hosting it for a while! Also, thank another fine taru, Niyopiyo, for helping me find a place to put it after Kopopo's site went down! Thanks to Malango from the RPGamer boards for the logos! (You are a WIZARD of Photoshop, mate!)Maintained by Mary-Alice Davies.